Put your CDL applications online

Enlistics is the low-cost integrated hiring platform that meets all your needs in one place.

Sign up

Register your business with the click of a button, and instantly post your full trucking job application online.

Get applicants

Placing your application online makes it easier for drivers to apply. More applicants means your job just got a lot easier.

Get results

Hire with confidence and let your new employees do the rest - Enlistics includes built-in background checks.

Instant Results

Social media data lets us find the right fit for your business.

Problems with hiring

Job interviews, personality tests, and word associations are all gameable. Applicants act how they want you to see them.

The social solution

Everything from "likes" to posts and friends tell us how an applicant will act outside a suit and tie job interview.

Connect with your team

We'll find you new employees who will fit your specific organizational culture and get the job done right.

The low-cost solution

We'll help you do a better job in less time.

Personalized Applications

Identify the perfect fit for your business with centralized application management.

Instant setup

No need to hire your own web developer.

No commitment

Try our service for free - no credit card required for the trial!
trucking instant background checks